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Twinning Association
It is almost 20 years since the Twinning Agreement was signed between the Parish Council and representatives of the village of St Martin de Boscherville near Rouen in July 2004. To mark this occasion a party of villagers will be visiting the Parish to celebrate this link and the founding of the Festival in the same year. The Twinning Association has invited a French musician and singer, Roddy, to perform at a concert on the afternoon of 21st September at Danny House. He will be singing a selection of songs in both French and English. A weekend programme for the visitors is being planned and the Association will be looking for host families. If you would like to get involved, this will be a great opportunity to learn more about St Martin de Boscherville and what the village can offer. They will arrive on the afternoon of Friday 20th September and depart on Monday 23rd September.
Sayers Common Tea Party with Mid Sussex Older People’s Council 5th July
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Following a successful application for Grant Funding from the Parish Council, we are delighted to confirm that Mid Sussex Older People’s Council will be running the first of their Sayers Common Tea Parties on 5th July in the Sayers Common Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. If you would like to attend, please phone 01444 242760 and leave a message stating clearly which event you are booking for, and the name and telephone number of each person attending. You can find out more about MSOPC and events that they run via their website:
To read the full newsletter, please click on the images to enlarge them or pick up July’s Hurst Life today.