Your nearest defibrillator in Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common

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At Hurst Life, we’d like to encourage everyone living and working in the village to familiarise themselves with the sites of the life-saving defibrillator machines and learn how to use them.

An estimated 60,000 people each year in the UK have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and, sadly, less than 10% of those people will survive. Yet if a bystander is able to start CPR, they could double a person’s chances of survival.

Hurstpierpoint has seven machines: one on the outside wall at the Fairfield Rec on Cuckfield Road, another is situated at the bowls club on South Avenue Rec, a third is inside the medical centre on Trinity Road and one is mounted on the wall in the alleyway next to Morley’s on the High Street. There are also defibs available at Court Bushes Community Hub and the Village Centre. Both of these units can be unlocked by a code given by the 999 operator.
Another defibrillator was installed in the village, paid for by Burgess Hill Lions, is located at the St Peter & St James Hospice Distribution Centre on Albourne Road.
The most recent defibrillator has been installed at the Sportsman Pub in Goddards Green. The unit was kindly donated by Downlands School.

In Sayers Common, there is one on the outside wall of the Community Shop (by the door to the hall), while in Albourne there is one inside the primary school, in the gym of Wickwoods Country Club (up Shaves Wood Lane) and one mounted on the outside wall of Albourne Village Hall, to the right of the entrance doors. Not all of these will be available 24/7 but the outside ones listed (pictured) should be.

All of the machines are portable and contain full instructions. Plus, if you are on the phone to 999, the operator will be able to talk you through using these public devices in real time.

A good place for more information is the British Heart Foundation’s website: - which gives a live listing to all registered defibs, plus FAQs about using them. If you have any information about changes to these defibrillators, then do please let us know, so we can update our knowledge for next time.

Churches of Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Easter Services

Welcome to Hurst Life’s churches of Hurst & Sayers Common Easter services event page. Here you will find our most recent information for everything Easter in our churches.

Christians and churches across Hurstpierpoint join together for a Walk of Witness and Church services.
You would be warmly welcome to join us for this, or for any of the services taking place across the village during Holy Week.

See also,,

Holy Trinity Church

Click to enlarge High Street, Hurstpierpoint. 01273 835109 -

14th - 15th April
7.30pm – Holy Communion during Holy Week

16th April
11am - Holy Communion
7.30pm - Holy Communion

Maunday Thursday 17th April
7.30pm - Sung Eucharist

Good Friday – 18th April
12-2pm - Quiet time and space for prayer and reflection on the journey of the Cross. Please come and go as you please, in quietness.
2pm - Last Hour at the Cross

Holy Saturday – 19th April
7.30pm – Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday – 20th April
8am - Easter Communion – a simple said service
9.15am – Easter Communion – a sung service with choir
11am – Easter Celebration Communion – a beautiful service for people of all ages, with songs and activities for children, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt

Click to enlarge

Good News Church 149 High Street, Hurstpierpoint. David Lowries -

Easter Sunday – 20th April
10.30am - Easter Sunday Family Service

The Parish of Albourne, Sayers Common and Twineham

Contact: Rev Rachel Cornish - You can also find us on

Saturday 12th April
10am-12noon - Messy Church with crafts and fun for children at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Sunday 13th April - Palm Sunday
9.45am - Parish Eucharist at St Bartholomew, Albourne

Monday 14th April
4pm - Evening Prayer at St Peter, Twineham

Tuesday 15th March
4pm - Evening Prayer at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Wed 16th April
4pm Evening prayer at St Bartholomew, Albourne

Maunday Thursday 17th April
7pm - Holy Communion at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Good Friday 18th April
11am - Morning Worship at St Peter, Twineham

Easter Sunday 20th April
10am Parish Eucharist at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Newsletter from Mid Sussex District Council - April 2025

Raising awareness of heat pumps

Heat pumps are relatively rare in residential properties in the UK – there are only around 250,000 currently. This means that the vast majority of people will never (knowingly) have seen a home with a heat pump.

Nesta, the charity that focuses on innovation including a sustainable future, wants everyone in the UK to be able to visit a heat pump near them and get the support they need.

Visit a heat pump combines a digital platform along with recruitment and training of heat pump hosts, providing a full end-to-end service for the public to visit a heat pump and get further support to help them build their confidence. So far, nearly 400 hosts are listed and Nesta is aiming for over 1,000 visits in the next few months.

Anyone interested in being a host or visiting a heat pump can register their interest at:

Sign up to our digital newsletter!

Want to keep in the loop with what’s happening in your local community? Then sign up to our digital Mid Sussex Matters newsletter, a monthly email to help residents stay up to date with what’s going on at the Council and in the wider district. Scan the QR code or visit our website to subscribe and join thousands of residents who are already taking advantage of this valuable resource. Let’s work together for a better Mid Sussex.

To read the full newsletter, click the images to enlarge them or pick up April’s Hurst Life today.

Hurst Parish Council news - April 2025

Extending the 20 MPH Zone

The extension of the 20 mph zone in Hurstpierpoint has been approved for the feasibility and design stage by WSCC due to overwhelming public support. Their current aim is to complete the feasibility and design process through 2025/26, and then to propose the scheme for delivery as part of the construction programme 2026/27, subject to the funding being available. This is good news and the Parish Council hope to work with the design engineers to develop the best possible scheme for the village.

Orchard Blossom Day Saturday 26th April

Celebrate this annual event by visiting the Heritage Orchard in Hurst Meadows to see the apple trees at their most beautiful. Orchard manager Martin Sadler will be on hand to answer questions about the Orchard and give advice on the best way to care for your own fruit trees. The Orchard will be open between 10am and 4pm.

To read the full newsletter, pick up your copy of April’s Hurst Life or click the images to enlarge them.

Hurst Players present...

Hurst Players

…Agatha Christie Witness for the Prosecution

Starting on 8th April until the 12th, starting at 7.30pm in Players Theatre Hurstpierpoint.

Tickets, £14, are available online at or in person at the threatre box office from Monday 15th March, Saturday mornings, 10am until midday

Ukrainians seeking host family in Hurstpierpoint and surrounding areas

By Jenny Brown

The Hurst village community gave a great welcome to Ukrainians fleeing their homeland. In a variety of ways, different people and groups have helped out. Most of the earlier guests have now settled, found work and are in their own rental property either in Hurst or nearby.

However, as the 3rd anniversary of the latest Russian invasion of Ukraine comes round, there is still uncertainty about the future. Many of our local Ukrainian friends have family members in increasingly dangerous situations, and some would like to bring them to the UK for safety. For example, one local Ukrainian lady living in Hurst with her primary age child is looking for someone willing to host her parents (in their mid-60s). Currently, the UK government is granting visas for 18 months, and offering a ‘thank you ‘ payment of £350 per month to hosts. The commitment to host is six months.

If you think you might be able to help, or you know someone who might, please get in touch for more information:

Hurst Parish Council news - March 2025

Berrylands Pond Update

Over the last few years, and with the active support of our MSDC Ward Councillors (latterly Cllr Geoff Zeidler), the Parish Council has been seeking the restoration of the Berrylands Farm Pond at Sayers Common. It has increasingly been lost in the undergrowth, along with the Sayers Common village sign. The change in the MSDC grounds maintenance contractor to Glendale has provided the opportunity for some of the undergrowth and trees to be cleared, and for the volunteers of our local Woodland Flora and Fauna Group to now focus on improving the health of the pond. The Group are always looking for volunteers so please contact the Office if you wish to help. Meanwhile, the village sign needed a good clean. The Parish Council has taken it down and the SCVS have very kindly volunteered to repaint it.

Hurst Meadows Butterflies

Weekly from April to September, volunteers walk the same route recording numbers and species of butterflies. This helps us monitor the health of the Meadows as a habitat for wildlife. The data is then sent to Butterfly Conservation to form part of the national picture. If you are interested in taking part in spotting and recording these beautiful insects, find out more on Thursday 27 March 1.30 - 3.00 pm Village Centre, Hurstpierpoint.

To read the full newsletter, pick up your copy of March’s Hurst Life or click the images to enlarge them.

Hurstpierpoint's St Lawrence Fair

Welcome to Hurst Life’s St Lawrence Fair event page. Here you will find our most recent information for everything regarding the fair.

Since the 14th century, the village of Hurstpierpoint has celebrated the Feast of St Lawrence with a village fair. The fair is one of the oldest in the United Kingdom.

See also, St Lawrence Fair

St Lawrence Fair 2025 confirmed for 4th and 5th July! More details to come.

2024: Additional last minute details By Lona McDonald…

St. Lawrence Fair is almost upon us…we look forward to seeing you over the weekend on South Avenue recreation ground.

Friday 5th July

Teddy Bears Picnic – 12.30-2.30pm; come along to enjoy a magic show, cake decorating and a craft activity, a carousel ride and an ice lolly - £2 contribution.
Junior Disco – 6pm – 7.15pm; pre-book tickets from Fabulous Floors: £4 in advance, £5 on the door - includes a snack and unlimited water/squash.
Hurst Band Night – 6pm -10.30pm; live music, Hurst’BAR’point and food by Village Pizza Kitchen and Hurst Butchers - a great evening’s entertainment.

Saturday 6th July

Come along, support the procession, cheer on the fun run, visit the stalls and street food market (lots of good food to sample), have a drink from Hurst’BAR’point or tea tent, watch the arena performances, enjoy Harris’ Funfair and take part in the competitions:
• Party games in the arena for younger children
• Trolley dash
• Tug of War
• Chuck the Re-Usable Welly

Finally, if you’re able to support the fair financially in any way, it’s easy - simply scan the QR code on any of the fair posters or the front of the programme to be taken directly to Paypal to make a donation. There will be road closures from 12.30pm on the day, so check our website for details - Thank you so much in advance - here’s to a great Fair weekend - we look forward to seeing you there!

News from Mid Sussex District Council - February 25

Free Playdays for February half-term

Children can look forward to more free fun Playdays for the February half-term. Organised by Mid Sussex District Council, the indoor events will be run from 2pm – 4pm and there’s no need to book, just turn up and take part. There’ll be a host of different activities for children, up to age 10, at the following venues:

• Tuesday 18th Feb @ Kings Centre, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LR
• Wednesday 19th Feb @ Jubilee Centre, East Grinstead, RH19 2HL
• Friday 21st Feb @ Dolphin Leisure Centre, Haywards Heath, RH16 1LY

Cllr Anne-Marie Cooke, Cabinet Member for Communities and Communications, said: “Our popular free Playdays are back for February half-term. We’re so pleased to be organising these free activities for local families once again. Please come along and join in. We’ll see you there!”

To read the full newsletter, pick up your copy of February’s Hurst Life today or click the images to enlarge them.

Village Pizza Kitchen opens new restaurant in Hurst

Village Pizza Kitchen (VPK) has recently relocated across the road to 155 High Street, where they are now operating as a restaurant, whilst still offering takeaway.
Having outgrown their premises at 126 High Street, VPK identified 155 as a new potential site when it was still operating as Feathers Boutique, before it briefly became Hurst Restoration. They have transformed the space into a cosy and stylish restaurant, offering their award-winning pizzas and an enhanced selection of pasta dishes, starters and puddings, along with an excellent wine list.

Founder and Owner, Jo Malone, who has lived in Hurstpierpoint for 15 years, said: “We are really excited to finally introduce an Italian style restaurant to Hurstpierpoint. It is something myself and many others I know have always felt that the village needed. We have built up an incredible customer base since we f irst launched Village Pizza Kitchen during lockdown four years ago and it is wonderful to be able to see them now enjoying our delicious pizzas straight out of the oven!”

Village Pizza Kitchen has gone from strength to strength since its inception in 2020, having won a number of awards, including recently being named as the UK’s Best Independent Pizza Takeaway by the prestigious industry body, the Pizza, Pasta & Italian Association, for the second year in a row. They also now have their own dedicated kiosk inside the iconic Amex stadium, where they additionally supply pizzas for the corporate hospitality lounges.

Village Pizza Kitchen is open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Saturday.

News from Hurst and Sayers Common Parish Council

Memory Cafe

A reminder that the Parish Council continues to support the monthly Memory Cafes run by AgeUK in Hurstpierpoint and Hassocks. These are aimed at people who are experiencing memory loss whether they have a diagnosis or not and their families/partners/ carers. These get togethers are informal and fun as well as providing support and advice. The next Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Memory Café will be on Tuesday 4th February at Court Bushes Community Hub, Willow Way from 2pm - 4pm. From 11th March, Memory Cafes at Court Bushes will take place on the second Tuesday of the month, also from 2pm – 4pm. There will also be a café twice monthly at Adastra Hall in Hassocks on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10:30am – 12:30pm. To find out more please call 01444 450248, or email

Parking Restrictions in Trinity Road

Parking around the Health Centre in Trinity Road has become very congested at certain times. This area is used for parking by several different groups including local residents, people working in the High Street, health centre staff and visitors, school staff and parents, and shoppers. Unfortunately, parked cars are beginning to block access to the health centre and to properties beyond that for larger vehicles such as ambulances, f ire engines etc. This is obviously of great concern. In addition, sight lines, especially at junctions are being obscured and this could lead to accidents. Several additional double yellow lines are therefore proposed around the junctions and can be viewed on our website. If you agree with these changes, please email the Parish Council to say so. Your emails will be passed to WSCC as evidence of support for the scheme.

To read the full newsletter, please pick up your copy of February’s Hurst Life or click the images to enlarge them.

Forthcoming copy dates

2025 Copy dates for Hurst Life magazine

May’s Hurst Life
Copy date 15th April
Delivery between 26th April - 2nd May

June’s Hurst Life
Copy date 13th May
Delivery between 24th - 30th May

July’s Hurst Life
Copy date 10th June
Delivery between 21st - 27th June

August’s Hurst Life
Copy date 15th July
Delivery between 26th July - 1st August

September’s Hurst Life
Copy date 19th August
Delivery between 30th August - 5th September

October’s Hurst Life
Copy date 16th September
Delivery between 27th September - 3rd October

November’s Hurst Life
Copy date 14th October
Delivery between 25th - 31st October

December’s Hurst Life
Copy date 11th November
Delivery between 22nd - 28th November

Hurst Village Cinema

By Mike Thatcher

A happy New Year to you all. It’s a busy month with four films, including the best film ever made, so I’ll crack on.

On Thursday 9th at 7.30pm we show Pan’s Labyrinth (15), Guillermo del Toro’s classic from 2006. For years I avoided this film, largely because of its label of ‘fantasy.’ Eventually, I decided to see what all the fuss was about and it blew me away. Set in post-Civil War Spain in 1944, it follows Ofelia, who escapes into a mystical labyrinth to avoid the brutal reality of her world dominated by her sadistic stepfather, Captain Vidal, brilliantly played by Sergi López. If you’ve heard of it but not seen it, come and see what all the fuss is about for yourself.

Then, on Thursday 16th at 7.30pm, we screen Sword of Trust (15). We don’t deliberately avoid showing comedies at HVC, it is just that good ones are really hard to find. This laid-back film from Lynn Shelton is a well-timed reminder that Americans can indeed poke fun at themselves, with delightful results. It follows pawnshop owner Mel, (played by Marc Maron, who also provides the deep South bluesy soundtrack), who becomes entangled in a bizarre conspiracy involving Civil War truthers. Blending humour with social satire, it shows real characters reacting normally and unheroically under pressure.

And then, ladies and gentleman, in my opinion, the greatest film ever made and perfect in every way: Magnolia (18) on Friday 24th at 7.30pm. Writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson admitted he is resigned to never making another film as good as this, and he made There Will be Blood, Boogie Nights and The Phantom Thread. It centres around seven intertwined stories in the San Fernando Valley, stories of flawed, complex characters struggling with trauma, regret and the desire for redemption. A stella cast, (Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, Julianne Moore, Tom Cruise, John C. Reilly) who produce pitch-perfect performances and a brilliant score by Aimee Mann. The ultimate ‘come and see what all the fuss is about’ film.

We round off on Sunday 26th at 3pm with Perfect Days (PG). One of those films you know you are in safe hands from the start and that you won’t be sent on an emotional rollercoaster. Wim Wenders’ Perfect Days is a quiet, contemplative exploration of solitude and routine, following a Tokyo restroom cleaner named Hirayama. Through his meticulous daily rituals, we see beauty in ordinary moments: cleaning, listening to music, and taking in small details of city life.

Santa Sunday in Hurstpierpoint

Welcome to Hurst Life’s Santa Sunday event page. Here you will find our most recent information for everything about the event.

A magical Christmas Market in the heart of Hurstpierpoint! Join us for a festive celebration filled with live music, delicious treats, and plenty of Christmas shopping. Bring the family along for fun kids’ activities, exciting fairground rides, and a chance to meet Father Christmas himself! Get into the holiday spirit with us and make unforgettable memories.

See also, Hurst’s Secret Santa

Santa’s Fun Sunday

By Rob Fisher

The fun-packed Hurst Santa Sunday is now just around the corner, and there’s something for everyone this year! We’ve got Santa himself in his grotto, Santa paws (for our furry friends), snow machines, face painting, teacup rides, a magician, hook a duck and wood-turning demonstrations. There’s an amazing variety of stall holders including: AbiliTea, Garden Sage, Enchanted Bookcase, Generation Distillers, Melt my Heart, Optimize Nutrition, Southdown Woodturners to name but a few. You can expect some fabulous musical entertainment all along the High Street including a rock choir, brass band, as well as singer Tobias back by popular demand. Enjoy great food including festive treats from the likes of Marples Cakery, Krishna Cuisine, Oui Crêperie and Whambam Pakora. There’s also Fudge Delights and Lozza’s Bakes.

It’s all happening on December 1st 12.30-4.30pm on the High Street that will be closed to traffic. Special thanks once again to all our wonderful sponsors – Fabulous Floors, the Parish Council, Hurst Charity Shop as well as Hurst College who help make it all possible. and for the latest info Instagram: @santa_sunda

Churches of Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Christmas services

Welcome to Hurst Life’s churches of Hurspierpoint & Sayers Common Christmas services event page. Here you will find our most recent information for everything Christmas in our churches.

See also, Holy Trinity Hurstpierpoint, The parish of Albourne, Sayers Common and Twineham, Good News Church Hurstpierpoint

Holy Trinity Parish Church

High Street, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9TS

Wednesday 4th December
7.30pm Mothers’ Union Advent Evening with carols, readings, mulled wine and mince pies Tickets available from Judy Leech 01273 833954

Sunday 8th December
3-4.30pm - Family Christmas Crafts. Crafts and activities for pre-school & primary aged children

Sunday 22nd December
6pm - Candlelit Carol Service followed by mulled wine and mince pies

Christmas Eve
3-4.30pm Crib Services. A lively services for all ages. Children are invited to dress as a favourite nativity character
11.30pm Midnight Mass

Christmas Day
8am - Christmas Communion – a simple said service
10am - Christmas Family Communion. A service for all the family

Good News Church

149 High Street, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9PU

Sunday 22nd December
3.30pm - Carols and Cakes – an informal carol service

Christmas Day
10am - Christmas Day Service - Come and celebrate with us our Saviour’s birth

The Parish of Albourne, Sayers Common and Twineham – You can also find us on

Sunday 15th December
6pm - Nine Lessons and Carols at St Bartholomew’s, Albourne

Friday 20th December
6pm - Carol Service at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Christmas Eve
4pm - Crib Service (with live animals) at St Peter’s, Twineham
8pm - Midnight Mass at St Bartholomew’s, Albourne

Christmas Day
10am - Parish Eucharist at Christ Church, Sayers Common

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council news - December 2024

A Winter Walk through Hurst Meadows

Are you looking for a very short accessible circular walk with impressive views, beautiful trees, rolling fields, the sound of birdsong and benches to sit and rest and take all this in? The new cyclepath through Hurst Meadows from the eastern end of Trinity Road makes the countryside accessible for everyone. It is all-weather and suitable for buggies, wheelchairs and those with limited mobility.

Combining a walk along the cyclepath with a return along the Millennium Garden path makes for a varied and interesting short ramble. There really is so much to see and enjoy in just a very small area. Things to look out for include the kestrel which has taken to hovering over the part of Fifteen Acres field adjacent to the cyclepath, the old apple trees which were once part of the orchard of St. Georges House and the animals and birds carved from the Monterey pine tree which once stood in the House gardens. You will be able to see nature recovery taking place in the ex-arable fields and hear the green woodpeckers calling from the trees that surround them. Last year we heard skylarks above Hurst Meadows in January so if you are very lucky you may also be rewarded by hearing their beautiful song.

We have had so many positive comments about the cyclepath and it really has been heartening to see just how many people of all ages are using it.

To read the full newsletter, click the images to enlarge them or pick up your copy of December’s Hurst Life today.