Marathon runners

Marathon girls


Six friends from Hurstpierpoint are heading across The Channel to compete in the Paris Marathon at the beginning of April, mainly for fun but also to raise money for good causes. All mothers of children at St Lawrence, Mike Thatcher caught up with Katie Sharp, Michaela Oakley, Catherine Ferrer, Clare Harms, Sarah Shephard and Clare Bell to find out more.

How are you training for the event?
MO: My training consists of three runs each week, including one longer run. It takes a lot of motivation to get up on the cold, dark and wet winter mornings and this has been my biggest challenge in training, but the runs around our village on a gorgeous sunny day with views of the Danny Estate, Jack and Jill windmills and the Downs make it all worthwhile.
CF: I am training for the marathon by following a plan written for me by Hassocks runner Malcolm Roweth; his support and expertise have really progressed my running. I am approaching this marathon with a lot more confidence in my running ability and knowing that I am training appropriately.

How long have you been running?
SS: I started the ‘Couch to 5K’ podcasts in May 2017 and completed my first 5k in July. It became a bit addictive!
MO: I got into running around two years ago. I started six months after having my third child to regain fitness but found it really helped me mentally too. I completed my first half marathon in 2018 and first marathon in 2019.

Do you run alone?
CF: I sometimes run alone but I have a lovely group of friends that I do the long training runs with. I can’t talk on the tempo runs so we either do those in silence (or the sound of me struggling for breath and/or muttering profanities) or on our own.
CH: Quite often yes - I love the solitude. I enjoy running with friends too though!
SS: We run together whenever we can. It’s not always possible, unfortunately, as we’re all juggling work, childcare, etc. I always prefer to run with others on the longer ones, but when I’m on my own I stick headphones in and listen to music and podcasts.

Find the girl’s answers to: Why do you run? What has been your biggest challenge? And, What tips and advice would you like to give other runners? In this month’s (March) issue of Hurst Life Magazine.