We have devoted this month’s Parish Council update to our recent application to the County Council to try and address some of the issues, large and small, raised by residents regarding traffic and parking in Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common. The scheme has now passed the first stage in the process and the full detail will be put out for public consultation and comment in the new year. This is an opportunity to give a summary of the proposed changes:
• South Avenue and Manor Road
- Designated parking bays to be marked within the existing parking zones and a small addition to the parking zone in South Avenue.
• Cuckfield Road
- 30mph signs at north end to be moved 70 metres north
- Alternate east /west side parking restrictions to be marked between the High Street roundabout and the Western Road junction (to ease peak time gridlock, and reduce off peak speeding)
- Investigate the feasibility of a mini roundabout at junction with Iden Hurst (major cost and unlikely to happen in near future)
• Brighton Road
– install “pull in” bay on east side near Washbrooks.
• College Lane/Malthouse Lane
- Extend 30mph restriction south of the College.
- Centre white line on the curve by Malthouse Farm.
• High Street
- At the junction with West Furlong Lane, remove the white line but not the “Keep Clear” wording.
- In line with the traders’ request, make the loading bay outside the New Inn loading only for 24 hours per day.
• Reeds Lane, Sayers Common
- Extend parking restrictions from roundabout and create a “pull in” bay on south side.
- “Access only 7.5t” signs to be placed at east end.
• London Road
– “Build outs” or “Refuge” to be installed near the Village Hall.
We have worked with County and District Councils to design this scheme, which hopefully will ease delays and parking to some extent. The underlying problem faced by all villages in Sussex of too much traffic on their narrow roads will remain. As soon as we have further news, especially on the consultation timetable, we’ll let you know.
As this is the last issue before Christmas, may we take the opportunity to wish our residents a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas event on 7th December on Hurstpierpoint High Street.