Hurstpierpoint Parish Council

News from Hurst and Sayers Common Parish Council

Memory Cafe

A reminder that the Parish Council continues to support the monthly Memory Cafes run by AgeUK in Hurstpierpoint and Hassocks. These are aimed at people who are experiencing memory loss whether they have a diagnosis or not and their families/partners/ carers. These get togethers are informal and fun as well as providing support and advice. The next Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Memory Café will be on Tuesday 4th February at Court Bushes Community Hub, Willow Way from 2pm - 4pm. From 11th March, Memory Cafes at Court Bushes will take place on the second Tuesday of the month, also from 2pm – 4pm. There will also be a café twice monthly at Adastra Hall in Hassocks on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10:30am – 12:30pm. To find out more please call 01444 450248, or email

Parking Restrictions in Trinity Road

Parking around the Health Centre in Trinity Road has become very congested at certain times. This area is used for parking by several different groups including local residents, people working in the High Street, health centre staff and visitors, school staff and parents, and shoppers. Unfortunately, parked cars are beginning to block access to the health centre and to properties beyond that for larger vehicles such as ambulances, f ire engines etc. This is obviously of great concern. In addition, sight lines, especially at junctions are being obscured and this could lead to accidents. Several additional double yellow lines are therefore proposed around the junctions and can be viewed on our website. If you agree with these changes, please email the Parish Council to say so. Your emails will be passed to WSCC as evidence of support for the scheme.

To read the full newsletter, please pick up your copy of February’s Hurst Life or click the images to enlarge them.

Hurstpierpoint Parish Council News - May 2024

Dementia Safe Places

Have you noticed these f lower stickers on the windows of some of the shops, offices, and other premises around the villages? The flower sticker shows that the building is a “Safe Place” location. The ‘Safe Place’ project was created by the Parish Council to ensure that people living with dementia feel understood and able to maintain their independence and lead fulfilling lives in their local community. It gives the person somewhere safe to wait if they are feeling lost or upset rather than having to be taken to the police station which can be extremely traumatic for them.

Staff in all the Safe Places have received training from a local charity on how to support lost and distressed people in this situation. The Parish Council would like to expand this project by extending the number of shops and other premises taking part. Training and full information would be provided. If you would like to be involved with this project by becoming a ‘Safe Place’ please do contact the Parish Office by the end of May. If you are currently a “Safe Place” and would like more training or information, please do also get in touch.

To read the full council newsletter, please click the images to enlarge them or pick up your copy of May’s Hurst Life and turn to page 36.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Council newsletter - Nov 2023

Hurst Meadows Heritage Orchard

Thank you so much to all the local volunteers who came to assist with the raking of the Orchard following the annual cut. This will give the wildflowers and the fruit trees the best chance of flourishing next year. We are delighted that, thanks to the hard work of orchard manager Martin Sadler, Plant Heritage have added our community orchard to the National Plant Collections directory. This reflects the value of this collection of historic Sussex apple trees. Congratulations Martin!

Section 106 Monies / Developer Contributions

Under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, financial contributions can be sought from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure, the need for which has arisen because of a new development taking place. This funding is commonly known either as ‘section 106 monies’ or ‘developer contributions.’ The Parish Council will always seek to apply for section 106 funding for local projects wherever possible, and some examples of where we have been successful in doing so recently can be found within this article.

Please click the images to read the full newsletter or pick up a copy of November’s Hurst Life today.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council news - October

Learn How to Save a Life - Free First Aid Training

Friday 6th October 6.30pm – 8pm Hurstpierpoint Village Centre Conference Room Would you like to learn how to save a life in an emergency including how to use a defibrillator?

The Parish Council has organised this free training session open to all residents. To book your free place please email or call the Parish Office office@ or 01273 833264.

Hurstpierpoint Village Centre

The Parish Council is sole Trustee of the Village Centre Charity and must act in a Trustee capacity when required. This involves having a separate bank account, separate Trustee meetings and filing an annual return to the Charity Commission. The building is owned by the County Council and leased to the Parish Council, so the only function of the Charity is the management of the building and taking bookings. This work is undertaken by the Parish Council staff team and a management fee is charged to the Charity for their time. The Parish Council, acting as Trustees of the Village Centre, are considering dissolving the Charity so that the building is managed by the Parish Council directly. If anyone wishes to comment on this proposal, please do let us know.

To read the whole newsletter please click to enlarge the pictures or pick up your copy of October’s Hurst Life today.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common news - Aug 23

St Lawrence Fair

It was lovely to meet so many residents and visitors at our stand at this year’s St Lawrence Fair. The Parish Council had lots of entrants to our free “Guess the Name of the Frog” competition. We are delighted to announce that “Florence” the frog was won by 18-month-old Zac who was entered by his Granny. Hopefully Florence the Frog has now settled happily into her new home!
We have been delighted to see real froglets in Hurst Meadows recently. For information on how to encourage frogs and other amphibians in your garden see the Froglife website:

August 2023 Meeting Schedule

Please check Parish Council Notice Boards, or our website to confirm the meeting date and location. Members of the public are welcome to attend, and all meetings commence at 7.30pm.

  • Monday 7th Planning Committee

  • Thursday 20th Finance, Governance & Estates Committee

To read the whole newsletter, please click to enlarge the images or pick up a copy of August’s Hurst Life.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council newsletter - June 2023

Assisted Waste Collection

Did you know that Mid Sussex District Council offer assisted collection services for residents who are physically unable to take out their waste to the roadside? Crews will enter your garden/external property boundary on your regular collection day and collect your wheelie-bins for you.
This facility applies to:
• Household rubbish / recycling waste
• Garden waste - if you have signed-up for the garden waste collection service
• Clinical waste – if you have registered for the clinical waste service.

Residents can apply online through the Mid Sussex District Council website or contact: the Waste Management Team, Tel: 01444 477440, Email: Please share this information with any friends, neighbours or relatives who find it difficult to move their wheelie bins.

South Avenue Play Area

The play area in South Avenue Recreation Ground has an annual, independent inspection which advises us on what preventative work we can do to keep the equipment in tip top condition. Last year’s report recommended new safety surfacing under the swings, hammock, trampoline, and carousel. This work was completed last month at an incredible cost of £17,713! We hope that this will make the play area more accessible for children as the summer approaches.

Click the pictures to read the whole newsletter or turn to page 30 of June’s Hurst Life.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council January newsletter - 2023

January 2023 Meeting Schedule
Please check the Parish Council notice boards or our website to confirm the meeting location. Members of the public are welcome to attend, and all meetings commence at 7.30pm.

5th Jan - Planning & Environment Committee
12th Jan - Community Engagement Committee
19th Jan - Finance & Governance Committee
26th Jan - Full Council

For the full newsletter please click on the pictures here or pick up a copy of January’s Hurst Life.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council news letter - March 2022

Council information
Village Centre, Trinity Road, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9UY
Tel: 01273 833264

Council Tax

As this edition is received, the annual Council Tax bill will be arriving as well. For 2022/23, the Parish Council £1,000 Date Grant Approved Apr 2021 are once again facing significant cost increases that are in excess of inflation.

Whilst our auditors continue to note that our General Reserve is below that for a Parish Council of our size, we have again agreed to not rebuild those reserves at this time so as to limit the increase. We also took the opportunity to repay the outstanding Public Works Loan Board loan for the streetlights that were replaced in 2017/18/19. This will reduce our outgoings in future years by £10,204 per annum. Thus, the rise aims to prevent any further depletion of the General Reserve, a reduction in the outputs of the Parish Council, or the closure of a key asset. Any rise will not be appreciated, but as with all we budget summary for next year with a total of £377,355 (excluding the Village Centre which is accounted for within the Village Centre Charity).

To read the whole newsletter please pick up a copy of March’s Hurst Life magazine or click the photos.

An update from Hurst Parish Council


Parish Council Meetings October 2021

Due to Covid-19 restrictions please check the Parish Council Notice Boards, or our website to confirm the meeting location. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings, and all commence at 7.30pm.

Thursday 7th October 2021 - Community Engagement Committee

Thursday 14th October 2021 - Finance & Governance Committee

Thursday 21st October 2021 - Full Council

Thursday 28th October 2021 - Planning & Environment Committee

To read the news click on the pictures below:

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council September Newsletter


Hurst Life’s September issue has an update from Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council with news from around the parish. Below, we have gathered a sample for you to savour or go grab an issue today to read the whole piece.

Reeds Lane Recreation Ground


Work has started on improving drainage at the Reeds Lane Recreation Ground to try to enable this very wet area to be used throughout the year. Following this, new play equipment will finally be able to be installed. Apologies to residents on the delay to this project. Section 106 funding can only be released on first occupation of the new houses on Kingsland Laine. Unfortunately, due to Covid, construction here has been much slower than usual. However, MSDC have now confirmed that they have now received the section 106 funding from the developer and therefore we can now proceed with an application for funds to refit the play area.

Christmas Lights

We are hoping to build on the success of the Christmas tree and lights in Hurstpierpoint by installing lights on lampposts in Sayers Common. Residents have voted on their preferred design; funding is in place in partnership with the Sayers Common Community Shop and we are now going through the extensive testing process that is needed to do this safely. The schedule for this is tight but we very much hope that these lights can be in place for Christmas 2021.

Hurstpierpoint & Sayers Common Parish Council

The Annual Parish Meeting is an ancient custom designed for those on the parish electoral roll to discuss parish affairs. It must be held between 1st March and 1st June and not be before 6pm. Previously, the forum has taken place in the Village Centre, with approximately 50+ residents in attendance. Last year, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and the associated lock-down measures, the meeting was sadly cancelled and replaced by an Annual Report which was published on the Parish Council’s website. This year, anticipating a lack of certainty over being able to a hold the meeting in person, the Parish Council agreed to publish its Annual Report on the Parish Council’s website, but also to embrace technology and to hold the meeting via a webinar on 18th May 2021. We widened the scope under the theme “Working together for a sustainable future”. There were some great presentations covering the range from recycling in the community, managing the Hurst Meadows for wildlife and the community, Hurst Rethink, The Lost Woods Project, to Sustainable Development. They were topped by very focussed videos from both St Lawrence School and Downlands School Students.

We had about 68 logged on to the webinar with a wider demographic to those who have previously attended this meeting in person at the Village Centre. The presentations were both thought-provoking and full of related updates. There was even a quiz to establish exactly which local authority is responsible for which service. We will be drawing upon some of the detail from the presentations and follow up questions to help us to develop further our Environmental Policy into one which will both support the operations and output of the Parish Council, and in some way meet the aspirations of our residents as well. If you missed the webinar the presentations are now accessible via our website at

Parish Council News published monthly

Village Centre, Trinity Road, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9UY

Call: 01273 833264